From: Columbia Christians for Life
Subject: Hurricane Katrina satellite image looks like 6-week fetus
To: Columbia Christians for Life
Satellite picture of Hurricane Katrina at looks like a 6-week unborn human child as it comes ashore the Gulf Coast, vicinity states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida at 12:32 PM, Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane "Katrina" (reportedly means "Pure" in Russian) - satellite image - Monday, 29 Aug 05, 12:32 PM (EDT) - coming ashore Gulf Coast - satellite image looks like 6-week fetus
check out NOAA website:
The image of the hurricane above with its eye already ashore at 12:32 PM Monday, August 29 looks like a fetus (unborn human baby) facing to the left (west) in the womb, in the early weeks of gestation (approx. 6 weeks). Even the orange color of the image is reminiscent of a commonly used pro-life picture of early prenatal development (see sign with picture of 8-week pre-born human child below). In this picture, and in another picture in today's on-line edition of USA Today*, this hurricane looks like an unborn human child.
Louisiana has 10 child-murder-by-abortion centers - FIVE are in New Orleans ('Find an Abortion Clinic [sic]')
Baby-murder state # 1 - California (125 abortion centers) - land of earthquakes, forest fires, and mudslides
Baby-murder state # 2 - New York (78 abortion centers) - 9-11 Ground Zero
Baby-murder state # 3 - Florida (73 abortion centers) - Hurricanes Bonnie, Charley, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne in 2004; and now, Hurricane Katrina in 2005
God's message: REPENT AMERICA !
Katrina means "pure?" Yes it does. But not just in Russian. It's got the same frickin' root as Katherine. The fundies could find that out by, say, googling "baby names meaning."
It also looks about as much as an unborn fetus as Lake Pontchartrain does--i.e., not at all. But what the heck, it's all insanity anyhow....
So, what I want to know is: when are these guys gonna be on the receiving end of Bush's "struggle against extremism"? I mean, can I get a couple of Tomahawk missiles here?
Miss Education, I am sorry to say THIS IS REAL! There are people, including Pat Robertson, who really truly believe 1) that we are in the end times, and 2) that various natural disasters and 9/11 are god's punishment for abortion and homosexuality.
Sigh. It was more fun when they were seeing Mother Theresa in a cinnamon bun...
"I tried to think of the most harmless thing ... something that could never destroy us ... something I loved from my childhood." Stantz, explaining why _he_ thought of Mr. Stay-Puft...
Well, it's CLEARLY a foetus, and a message from God. I think we can all agree on that.
Question is, is it a human foetus, a chimpanzee foetus, a hippopotamus foetus, a...
What if God is actually a hippopotamus?
It's been pouring down rain here all day and out in the driveway, there's a puddle full of worms that drowned because I laughed at the email you got. I think it's a judgement of some kind.
And I'm still laughing.
It's a kind of weeping laughter, because stupidity is never really funny, but I'm laughing all the same.
Thank you so very much for printing that. Man. Are there ANY limits? I guess not, huh.
Interesting, most of the affected areas include those people are the Jebus-luvin' Christians who voted for Dubya's morals. This being said, at 6-weeks it's an embryo (sorry, the use of incorrect nomenclature irks me) and the one I saw on my ultrasound didn't look anything like that (neither did the one I miscarried).
I just want to let you know that not all Christians are like Pat Robertson. As for the email sent to you, that is just crazy.
Presumably earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters used to happen even hundreds of years ago when there was no such thing as an "abortion centre"? I mean, if they suddenly started to happen as soon as the first Planned Parenthood opened, or something, then these people might have a point...
How I would like to believe that this is a spoof, and no one is really that stupid and self-absorbed. I mean, a normal person's reaction to a diisaster like this would be something like shock, sadness, worry, whatever. These idiots just thought "hey, great, we can use this to further our crazy agenda..."
Jefff, Pat Robertson is a just a cynical political operative who uses the symbols of Christianity for worldy gain.
As for the group that sent that email, they are clearly a bunch of insane lunatics. But I fail to see much difference between their "beliefs" and Tom Delay's. Or Bush's, for that matter.
That's because there isn't much difference in their views vs. DeLay's or Bush's.
If you go to their site (and follow their link to you'll see all the same religious paranoia that infuses the rhetoric of Bush, DeLay, and many republicans.
They're all nuts. And my guess is, all addictive personalities as well (Bush and DeLay were both alcoholics).
I've got to wonder, what kind of abortion clinics were on Galveston Island all those years ago?
beat THIS!
(crosspost to kos comments)
I think it looks like a bunny rabbit, myself.
What I don't get is why God is angry at Alabama and Mississippi, if this is about the giant cloud fetus striking the land?
Last October someone sent me a map showing the trajectory of the major hurricanes of the 2004 season. The odd thing is that the hurricanes that year (at least until November) struck exclusively in the counties that voted for Bush, sparing those that didn't. I thought it was amusing, but if anyone wants to read into this a message from God, well, go right ahead. If I were God, I might work things that way, too.
I still say it's a bunny rabbit.
Not an octopus - it's a Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Actually, you're both wrong - it's neither a bunny nor an octopus. It's a baby Cthulhu.
Picture of a mature cthulhu for comparison:
Mark, I do not know you, but we are sister and brother in the First Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Yes, Christians do sometimes have to watch in alarm as our treasured and true beliefs are distorted and abused by one of our own -- who may be acting out of ignorance, disastrously misguided good intentions, or even sheer venality.
But I imagine everyone who has serious moral positions, on the left or the right or in the middle, has experienced that feeling of helplessness on seeing someone purporting to represent your views gets it every single freakin' bit of it wrong.
"So, what I want to know is: when are these guys gonna be on the receiving end of Bush's "struggle against extremism"? "
I'd guess when they start killing thousands of innocent people at a time.
The obvious answer is, God hates the biggots in the South, duh.
It looks like a pic of a hurricane to me. I think the fundies are getting into the sacrificial wine again.
You know what would really get my attention? If God would bring all of those people who died back to life!
Meet you in church!
How typically arrogant of Americans to think God had anything to do with this.
It's nature! It happens. It's happened before, and it will happen again.
EQUALLY insane would be to say that God is punishing these states with hurricanes because they voted for Bush.
They are red states, right? Everyone knows Jesus was a liberal.
Guys, don't think people on the right are all this retarded... I don't think people on the left are all as insane as your average PeTA activist. There were people who looked for the face of Satan in the smoke and flames of 9/11 too, remember? Some people are just dumb... period.
So basically you're suggesting that a group of Muslim extremists crashing a plane into our buildings was an act and message of GOD?! I feel sorry for you.
lmao, oh yes, if this is suppose to be some sort of "symbolism" it's mighty fucked up to have a "six week old fetus" killing thousands of people in the name of no more "killing".
I spoke to god about why he has visited 9/11, hurricanes, etc. on us. He said its because he is mad about people like Pat Robertson pretending to represent him and actually misrepresenting the compassion for others he has taught.
A mind is a terrible thing to sabotage. This Katrina = fetus comparison is insult to rational people everywhere. It's brought to you by the same sort of religious psychos who actually believe that lens flare, and bad time exposures are proof that Mary is blessing them:
Arrogance and Fear is the cause of all these things. Fear of people who are different, because they don't understand and dont have the attention span to learn about them. Arrogance to actually believe their lives mean something in this universe, and that "god" is on their side. Causing more fear, fear that they don't mean anything at all, and no one is actually listening to their petty rants. Peace and freedom are in understanding we are truly small, and not important, then we can let go of the fear, and arrongance, and just strive to be happy during our short lives.
Arrogance and Fear is the cause of all these things. Fear of people who are different, because they don't understand and dont have the attention span to learn about them. Arrogance to actually believe their lives mean something in this universe, and that "god" is on their side. Causing more fear, fear that they don't mean anything at all, and no one is actually listening to their petty rants. Peace and freedom are in understanding we are truly small, and not important, then we can let go of the fear, and arrongance, and just strive to be happy during our short lives.
Maybe God was punishing those states for voting for Bush?
Not only were there hurricanes, earthquakes et al hundreds of years ago before abortion centers but they were happening before people, even primitive life, was on the planet!
Please don't equate this Christian extremism with general conservatism/Republicans, and we won't equate reality-based Democrats with Michael Moore conspiracy types.
Thank you.
I really hate it when people claiming to be christians are also ignoring the bible. The real kicker for me is that there's actually scriptures to directly refute this crap. for example, Luke 13:4-5 has Jesus actually saying that bad shit does not happen to people because they're unusually evil. Or matthew 5:45 which says that god makes it rain on both good and bad people.
Anyway, I'm a reformed christian (now a pastafarian), but I still feel the need to defend christians as a group, because the majority of them are not nutjobs.
And what did Biloxi do?
Gambling.. so they all deserve to die!
That's crap..
It doesn't resemble a fetus to me.
It's a random storm.
And if New Orleans were SO bad it would've been hit dead on.
Maybe God is saying he doesn't like modern Jazz.
I'm kidding.
yep, just a hurricane. Gave me much needed laugh tho.
Its Hurricane season people, HURRICANE SEASON...if Alaska gets hit with a hurricane (knock on wood) then ok I'd say its an act of god....BUT ITS THE GULF AND ITS HURRICANE SEASON!! And they all LOOK like fetuses....
Let's just all laugh while the silly people think that the hurricane looks like a fetus.
That's why it's dangerous to be a Christian: Hurricanes almost always hit those sinful Red States.
But Jesus did, after all, warn his followers that they could expect to suffer.
--Danny Adams
I love how a natural disaster (or other misfortune) can obliterate the lives of millions of people, who by state demographics are overwhelmingly christian, and very few of which are abortion doctors, and the rightious nutjobs will jump up and say "OMFG, god is punishing sinners!"
If 'god' were to punish abortion centres, don't you suppose he'd aim more carefully? Don't dieties like the christian god, Thor, and Zeus ususally send lightning bolts at specific people?
Ah, I see. God chose to punish Americans for legalized abortion by killing scores of poor, black, politically marginalized people in New Orleans. Mysterious ways, I tell you.
"An alternate explanation is that God really digs gay marriage. After all, both Louisiana and Mississippi passed Constitutional Amendments banning gay marriage by wide margins (more than 70%) last year.
Ours, clearly, is a vengeful and angry God with a thing for watching boys kissing."
Take that, Pat Robertson, and explain it to me as your overtly-politically-disfigured-dogma would allow you to, with all the self-righteousness you can muster, you dumb fuck.
And all your sheep clinging to your demented preachings too. Gov'ment tools, one and all. Next thing you know he'll be the one to pull the trigger on Chavez.
Might I point out that Katrina hit Louisana and Mississippi, not Florida?
Also, ever state in the union gets bad weather: tornadoes, nor'easters, blizzards, you name it, it happens somewhere.
Geez, this is sick.
Trust a fundie to put a biblethumping spin on every effing thing they can.I looked at the sat picture of the hurricane, and I what I saw was a thermograph of the wind intensities... I guess if you squint your eyes until they defocus, and tilt you head it might resemble a fetus, or a tadpole. As for the's the last bastion for bigots.
God talks to me through my cat. He says that if we don't put down the bong and get those red states under control soon, then we can expect a whole lot of stormy weather.
My girlfriend says the cat is just yawning, but then, she doesn't hear half of what I say, either.
You get what you voted for
Holy frickin crap!
Quick! Everybody get to church! Jesus is comin back and he's making his list and checking it twice!
Personally I think that the hurricane looks like a giant oyster or clam.
"New Orleans swallowed by giant oyster. The shellfish finally get their revenge"
Maybe Robert Anton Wilson can sort this out for us.
stop trying to analyze... everyone knows that harricane always hits somewhere along FL bay area. SF has earthquake and forest fire because of the weather and the landscape. Try studying before writing shit like this.
How about I analyze you... you are insane so try and look for a good mental hospital NOW!
It's clearly a bunny.
I think it looks like Mitch Hopkins.
congratulations. you have managed to turn a natural disaster which has caused so much devistation and pain for new orleans, not to mention every other town, farm or home hit by the hurricane and turned into a soapbox (albeit a highly unsteady one, an unborn fetus? call me crazy but it looks like a typical hurricane force weather pattern would). wow. heartless.
a question for you, if these so called acts of god are to punish us for abortions and homosexuality, why is it that hes only picking on the states...why not canada where same sex marriage has been legalized and abortion clinics have been around (and supported by the nation's health care plan in many cases) since the sixties...perhaps because the people who believe THIS IS REAL are full of crap. they are called natural disasters, they happen all the time...nature...get used to it. and as for 9/11...i recall there were people who thought it was the end of the world when the oaklahoma bomber hit, when kennedy was assasinated, when rock music came on the scene, when the machine gun killer was loose a few years ago...seems to me the world is still kicking. i think its safe to say, the world ain't ending because of a hurricane and a terrorist attack that happend three some odd years ago.
Can you post a scan or copy of the actual message from this group. I know alot of people wont believe this until they see it with their own eyes.
"So, what I want to know is: when are these guys gonna be on the receiving end of Bush's "struggle against extremism"? "
I'd guess when they start killing thousands of innocent people at a time.
They are in N.O. right now.
I like how when anything is remotely shaped like anything else it must mean that it's a sign from God. you hate our freedom?
Looks more like a pidgeon that has been hit by a car then squashed by the tires of other cars until all that is left is it's eyes that has the plea of, "Why, God, do you hate me??"
Why does God hate pidgeons?
wow. I am a Christian. And I love all of God's people. One thing I would never presume to do is assume that I can interpret God's plan. I would never wish harm upon anyone. God will do his judging and damning at the gates. Not here. Not like this. Remember what the rainbow symbolizes? Probably not. Anyway, when God is doing his judging, I think there may be a few people who are suprised who ends up in his good graces.
Hey guys, have you not got anything better to do with your lives than finding things that aren't there in places that are topical at this moment in time?
I mean yeah, I have sympathy for everyone affected by Hurrican Katrina but do you Zealots have to make out it's some sort of warning by your "God" or make it some sort of fictional attrocity?
Get a life the lot of you - And no, I'm not going to be looking here again so say what you like to me.
I think it looks like a GRATEFUL DEAD fan dancing and throwing their arms around. For chrissake it's even TIE-DYED!!! It's been 10 years since he's been gone, so maybe Jerry threw a show in heaven and a whirler got out of control!
Wow... That's ++unfunny.
i dont care if it was a Fxxxing laughing baby or a dead ape, but minorities need to start sticking together and stop shooting each other and dispicing their own from else where, stupid
Oh dear, people are dying, a towns been destroyed and peoples lives are getting ripped apart and what do religious nuts do? Donate money? Go to help? No...they waffle the same old rubbish thats been being spouted for ages...about this being a message from god.
You know what that picture looks like to me? A hurricane.
Hurricane Katrina is just the begining, God hates USA because of the minkind rampage & killing in iraq and elseware by its neos leaders and criminal silence of its people. wait for california earth quake in near future. it is the curse of the innocent people whose near and dearas are killed by savage yankees
Hurricane Katrina is just the begining, God hates USA because of the minkind rampage & killing in iraq and elseware by its neos leaders and criminal silence of its people. wait for california earth quake in near future. it is the curse of the innocent people whose near and dears are killed by savage yankees
Once again rational thought has passed everyone by again. So people should we take a multiple choice test and see that if it was not darwinism and survival of the fittest, say survival of the smartest. Who is going to survive? Please folks stay away from C. Answers.
1. What is the cause of this Hurricane?
A)Its an act of god, I cannot think for myself.
B)Its Karma for the bad yanks, It may be misconception but superstition rules my life.
C)It's a direct effect of monkeys flinging poo towards the east and into western winds, Im retarded.
D)None of the above, I have a brain that functions on more than 6 brain cells. And am capable of rational thought, and simple annylytical process.
2.Why did you vote for George W. Bush?
A) I think he's a great leader and in wartime we need a great leader, I beleive everything I see on tv and wouldnt know what propaganda if someone spelled it for me.
B) I didnt.
C)I dont care, this country is already rotting what can I do about it.
D) Im rich and Im wise to his game, voting for Bush, why not only the rich stand to gain.
3. A Rival gang is down the street shooting your gangs members, What do you do?
A) Strap up motherfucker.
B) Run
C) I wouldnt have joined the dumbass gang to begin with this question is irrelevant.
D) Im going to stand here and do nothing.
4. Why do you beleive in god?
A) A miricle has happend to me, nobody can explain it despite the fact were not as advanced as a species as we might think so therefore he has to be there.
B) The bible is a book of facts written by historians, not a book mythology, and recolections of a friend of the writers 30 years past his execution.
C) Cause I do, Im not smart enough to think of a proper answer, nor am I smart enough to think for myself, god forbid do any research.
D) I dont, it's just plain naive to think that of the hundreds of beleif stuctures that have been, and come to pass in the last 5000 years to belive that any one of them could be right. Nor am I gullable enough to read the book of their teachings and not see the hipocracy, and obvious impossibility of situations in either the Koran or the bible to base any kind of beleif structure upon either of these pieces of trash.
If you dont know how to take this test, or know the correct answers you fail, and if it were survival of the smartest evolution would have passed my ape ass by.
Well, at least you got the LAST PHRASE of the last sentence right...but you definitely need more choices - your bias is showing...bigtime...
As for the Christians, you pompous bigots slam them all to hell for pronouncing judgment - while YOU sit there and judge the hell out of exactly WHO is the "hypocrite" (or "hippocrates" as one of you idiots posted above..)??? Truth is, we could ALL be doing better things than posting criticisms on this web page, but SOME of us seem to think that OUR mindless blather is somehow 'more important' than everyone else's mindless blather, especially if OUR mindless blather is slamming misguided Christians or rich Republicans....hmmm...methinks 'get a life' might apply to 99.99% of this...oh yeah!
O.K. folks: Waveland, Pass Christian and Bay Saint Louis, MS who took the direct hit and where the storms's eye actually passed over have no gambling, no abortion clinics but plenty of churches and were pretty much quiet little southern communities with retirees, families with children in school- just your typical small southern town on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico.
I'll go with a bunny. Anyone from PETA?
I am a rich Republican.
I drive a second hand Plymouth Volare Station Wagon that has been polluting the entire planet for 25 years. I now wish to convert my thinking and accept 100% of the blame for the global warming which directly caused Hurricane Katrina. My only regret is the hike in gas prices which I am feeling through the gas guzzling habits of this vehicle. I guess that I, like all Republicans, am just sort sighted. Hey, but then again...think of all the landfill space that wasn't used by me from trading out my cars every three years for something that gets just a few more heavily advertised miles per gallon!
That's not a bunny and it's not a fetus. As plain as the nose on my face, that is a puddle of gasoline. That was the symbol, we all missed it, and we're all paying for it.
People hate Christians because so many of the mis-represent Jesus. Please see that just because someone calls him/herself a Christian does not mean they are living the way of Christ. And sometimes they are trying to, they have just been taught wrong or they are just plain wrong about something...but their intentions are good. Truth is God is always true to His nature which means that everything He does must be consistent with His goodness, kindness and love. Therefore, when He does judge it is like that of a parent punishing a child. Parents who love their children punish them. To not punish exhibits a lack of love. Not saying that Katrina was judgment, just trying to say that there's more to Christianity that what the "nutjobs" and "fundy's" exhibit- so give Jesus a chance even if you don't give Christians a chance.
The following link was all I could find on this subject -- other than a lot of blogs like this one.
Are you sure that the email isn't a hoax?
PS: in the link I just noted before, Special wants to find people to discuss the Katrina weather image. It looks like the whole thing was their idea--at least they present it that way.
In 1998, Hurricane Mitch destroyed large parts of Honduras. Mitch (i.e. Mitchell) comes from the same root as Michael: meaning "like god". Honduras must have been destroyed for being too much like god then, eh?
It looks like some cartoon character with an oxygen tank on its back; sort of like the dog on Futurama.
This site made my day.
I like studying hurricanes and nor'easters...
I cant believe they wrote this...wait yas I can...especially since just last christmas I was denied help for my 4 kids (because I am disabled and low incomeand un able to provide them with a good christmas)all because I refused to attend church to get help bc I am Jewsih ...what a croc o Sheeeyat!
Thanx for a good laugh
Oh ya like this is a great revelation....I desire knowledge not stupidity LOL
Found your blog while searching for more information at yahoo about I do not make this shit up!. Your blog has quite a lot of interesting thoughts. Keep up the good work, Blogger.
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Wonderful Blog.
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I do not make this shit up!….is interesting to say the least Blogger. Myself, I like the odd and unusual. Fun Fact: There is a city called Rome on every continent in the world. Another: The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed. Now take a break from the blog, go outside, look up and smile for a satellite picture. Come back inside, and see if you can find yourself smiling in a satellite photo!
Dear Eve and friends,
If you own a Bible, please get it out and read through it. If you read it with an open mind, and in proper context you will plainly see that God is Holy and Just. He does punish nations who are in rebellion and gross disobedience, as many of your blog readers appear to be.
I do pray you will repent of your snide and hateful remarks.
It is foolish for you to mock God and His servents.
Shame on you all.
Angela Wittman, a Christian
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If you have a spare moment please visit my baby name list site and let me know what you think, I'll check back here again later.
it is almost june 6, 2006 dun dun duh duh dun! it is my time to rise again (P.S. I sent katrina, and started 9/11!)
You are a very evil person. Really. Your views are disgusting, insulting, and just plain wrong.
First off, it would take a seriously twisted mind to think that the image of the hurricane looks like a fetus. I hope you realize, also, that that isn't even a real picture. It is an artist's conception of the hurricane. Also, I'm no expert on the Russian language, but I seriously doubt that "Katrina" means "pure" in Russian. Even if it does, god doesn't name the hurricanes, you idiot. Scientists do.
Please, if you're "pro-life," than try to stop people from killing each other. Try to stop starvation and aid in effective means of life saving. If a parent wants to have an abortion, than think about what would happen if they didn't. They obviously don't want the child. The kid would be a wreck. They'd be miserable, unwanted, and a detriment to the world. Getting an abortion would be much better.
The fact that you think all the deaths and disaster caused be Katrina was due to abortion centers disgusts me. You are a sick and twisted individual. The south has tons of christians, following blind lies. If there was a god, the south would be the last place he should punish. If you want to blame something for the hurricane, blame global warming. Judging by your views on this topic, however, you are probably also too ignorant to believe that global warming exists.
California has had "earthquakes, forest fires, and mudslides for thousands of years, before humanity even got stupid enough to dream up the idea of "god." Florida has had hurricanes for thousands of years as well, although they have gotten worse lately due to global warming (mentioned above). And you think 9-11 was punishment for abortion centers?!?! That is a sick thought. Thousands of people die, and all you think about is the 100 or so unborn children who are aborted, painlessly. It was muslims on the planes, you idiot. Did god just put those ideas into their head? That's just plain dumb.
I'd like to make one last point. I'm sorry, but I'm going to be blunt, and this may shock you. There... is... no... god.
Now, read that again, let it sink in. And slowly start to realize that everything you've been told in church, sunday school, whatever, has been a lie. A LIE. THEY'VE BEEN LYING TO YOU. DOESN'T THAT IRATATE YOU!?! There... is... no... god. Religion in almost all forms is stupid and pointless. There are only two religions I have any respect for, and they are basically just teachings, not religions. They are buddhism, and taoism. I respect them because they are about peace, kindness, and self-growth. But their thoughts about a "higher power" is wrong, just like all religions. The answer to that problem: be a peaceful, kind, self-growth-oriented atheist.
There... is... no... god.
Remember that.
Now, as one final note, I'd like to apologize. I really attacked you in this message. I don't like to sound so harsh, but your original article really, really irritated me. It does disgust me, but, again, I'm sorry.
Hi Pete -
Clearly you didn't read my blog closely. I am a long time pro-choice activist. I posted this email - a real one I received from an extremist anti-abortion group - to show how unbalanced they really are. As L7 once sang, "Don't preach to me!"
Eve's Apple
this is for "pete". The funny thing about people in this world is their lack of common sense. first of all, you have obviously not done your research. with all of the scientific studies that have been done today, you can't say with assurance that God doesn't exist. to help you out, find this book, "The Case for a Creator", by Lee Strobel. he interviews the top scientists in the world on the possibility of there being a Creator. And this isn't the only book either. And by the way, he's was a "self-growth-oriented atheist" like you until one day he decided to go do some research. To redeem yourself from your idiotic article you just wrote, why don't you go do your homework before you come here and make stupid claims like that.
P.S. Being a true Christian has nothing to do with what 'religion' you are affiliated with, it's about your personal relationship with God and having faith that there is hope for all mankind, even confused people like you. And by the way, Jesus wasn't a part of some modern American religion, he was a Jew who cared for all mankind.
So try reading the bible for yourself, seperate from any church or organization, just you and the book. And go to the bookstore and find that book, "The Case for a Creator", it'll blow you away!
I think majority of you people spend too much time on the internet and watching TV...
I only scanned and read about six posts and their all rediculous.
You don't need a sign to beleive in God or think that God thinks American should knew this all along...a "sign" comes and what do you do?...Nothing. You're all useless.
This is for M:
I really, really appreciate what you said. I really hope that Pete reads what you said and absorbs. God doesn't exist and we should only look to two religions because Pete says? Sounds a bit biased and narrow-minded if you ask me.
I'm with you. Christianity has some excellent, excellent points to make, even if you aren't religious. All religions have their significance, and you can't dismiss one for personal preference. There are extremists and people who misinterpret and get the wrong about idea about certain aspects of ALL religions. I myself am a Christian and do NOT think to claim that I know that God sent Katrina as a punishment against abortion.
A final note, and unlike Pete this really is my final thought, how dare you condemn my religion for being codemning?
That's because there isn't much difference in their views..
Pete's Rebuttal:
Of course "god" doesn't exist. And I can dispute any "evidence" that you give me.
Religion is stupid. Think about how many wars and deaths it's caused. It's not a positive thing at all.
How can you really think that the bible is "history?" A)Most of it was lies to begin with. B)It had plenty of time to get really warped before it got written down. C)Those things happened over 2000 years ago. People's "interpretations" of the events are stupid. They are now outdated and irrelevant because we can explain our lives with science. We don't have to go running to a "divine creator."
Go fuck a bible.
Hi Pete! Sounds to me like you would be the perfect candidate for an experience in the spiritual world. You see, we all have a soul. You are not only a pile of balanced chemicals, mixed in with lots of water and some minerals. You are very complex. Have you ever seen a microscopic picture of the inside of a cell? Totally awesome! Did you know a majority of astonomers believe in a Creator? Have you seen the hubble pictures of nebula? Gorgeous beyond belief. Have you ever noticed that we cannot create a new species even in fiction that is better or more beautiful than anything we see here? Notice how beautiful insects are? Even their legs are amazing!(even if they make my skin crawl) You like science? Want to meet the mind behind it all? Ask Him. Ask God to show you who He is in what you like. Open yourself to see the truth. Ask God to show you the truth. Ask Him to show you something just for you. When you see it, then you can either accept it from Him, or reject it. If you reject it, you reject Him. That is your choice. He really does want you to search for Him. Listen for Him calling you. His name is Savior.
The fact that the vast majority of the posts here say how stupid this is, really makes me feel that the human race isnt as doomed as i once thought. i would have expected much worse and alot more fundamentalists freaking out about the second coming and signs and locusts and such. thanks guys for making me feel better about people as a whole....oh, and death to religion, its the cause of almost every problem in the world.
Ahhh!!!, im going with the worship the flying spagetti monster idea, the all mighty pasta doesnt require me to kill in his name, or to punish a woman for having an abortion by assaulting her outside the clinic.....
i am ashamed of all of this^^^^^^^
You people think abortion is better then I hope you don't call your selves Christians because it says right in the Bible that thou shalt not murder and having an abortion counts weather you like it or not. And one more thing if you didn't wont a kid why would you go out and have sex answer that for me and I don't want an answer like because I wanted to because you know what then you've put it upon yourself. So you should at lest put the child up for adoption because you never know the child could end up in a better home.
And for thoughs of you who say death to religion you know what you wouldn't even be here if God hadn't created this world. And if you don't believe that then how do you explain this world and the human race was created, we all just apeared, we came from monkeys? when you have proof and real proof not some drawing then you can put down religion, but until then you better keep your mouth shut. And another thing how do you think this world came to be the big bang? I don't think so. Here you think about it two nothing hit eachother and became something, yaaaa no. Thats not even logical.
And for you who think the world is caming to and end well I wouldn't say your wrong this world was not created to last forever. You see the Bible fortells of sertian diseasters happening and they've already started, like it says that one man will rule the world through the telve countries. Just like Jesus and the telve disciples and thats already started because there are twelve countries now all they need is the faults Christ, not true God.
And another thing for thoughs how don't believe Heaven and Hell are very really, I mean have you ever wondered what happened to you after you died well you either go to Heaven or Hell and you can't get to Heaven by just being really good. You need except him into your life, but you can't just excepting him into your life your gonna need to get/ read the Bible and hold his words close to your life.
And one last thing the Lord would never ask you to kill anyone or to punish a women for abortion. He is called the loving God for a reason. And remember do not seek revenge on someone how has done you wrong, for he is the one that will take revenge not you. Do not always expect to take revenge right away. Because he has an almighty plane and he wont always answer your prays right away or at all. And this well always be easy it may be harder know, but in the end it's all worth it trust me.
God is patiant, kind, loving, generious, and so many things. If you liked what you read look for a song called 'Give as clean hands'
^^^ Child or retard that posted???
Anyway, the point made is that if God doesn't want us to murder, then why would you revel in the fact that so many people were killed in the swath of destruction left by such a terrible storm? People (Christians and non-Christians alike) were affected by this catastrophe. To wish destruction on those who oppose your will or those who oppose what your "god" thinks is fundamental extremism. Isn't this the tyrrany we went to war to fight?
so it looks like a blob. just like a fetus at 6 weeks. plenty of other things look like that. i think taking that as a message from god is really reaching for something that's not there.
For everyone who wants to talk about pro-lifers needing to stop people from harming other people... HELLO! What do think a baby is! People go on about the trees and lets see innocent babies are being destroyed! Personally I value HUMAN life a little more than that! Yea we need oxygen but why don't ya all make the same big deal with with a child as you do a tree!? And to all of you pro-choice you wouldn't have a choice if your parents had had an abortion! Pesonally I don't agree with it on selfish circumstances... I think one should only have an abortion if there is a serious medical problem, life or death situation... There's plenty of people who keep a child under the worst circumstances. Rape, abusive husbands, and single moms... I have the greates respect for these people who have a big enough heart to apprieciate life enough not destroy it. Sin or not it's a horrible thing to do! And don't tell people there is not god... That's for one to decide on their own! That's faith! And I sure pray ,for your sake, god forgives you... Human life is to amazing to have come from nothingness...
True story - I was one of the ones watching tv and saw the actual radar on the screen when Katrina hit New Orleans and literally did a double take because I thought I saw a fetus. I was shocked when I saw it and planned to tell someone but forgot all about it. A week or so later I heard someone say that they heard people were saying they saw a fetus on the radar.
Why is it that in all my years of watching the weather radar, I have never seen a fetus in the radar EXCEPT for the day they showed it for Hurricane Katrina??!! For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who don't, no explanation is possible.
wow. like i had time to read all those comments... but wow. the only thing more ridiculous than the fetus thing is the people who take so much time to argue it. either way it's a waste of time.
people who are looking for proof of religious persuasion will come up w/ some crazy shit. like the hurricane fetus. get a life.
"religion is true to the poor, false to the wise, and handy to the ruler."
i lived in fl and watched the radar too. big surprise... it looked like a unique hurricane, which is what it was..
And I thought I was the only one who saw it!
Just this second I pulled my fetus-looking macaroni and cheese out of the microwave and gosh-darn it all if I didn't eat it. God must be pissed. You know I'll be watching my back now for hurricanes and earthquakes.
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